Do You Seek out the Saltiest French Fry? How Your Salt Cravings Impact Your Nutrition Strategy


Are you the type of person that studies the pile of fries until you find the saltiest one? If so, I’m guessing you get sweat stains on the shirts, helmets, and hats you wear while exercising as well? You probably salt everything even if they tell you it’s been salted too, huh?


This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it just means you’re on the high end of the sweat spectrum, meaning you lose more sodium in your sweat than the average person (800-1000mg of sodium per liter of sweat is average, but some people lose upwards of 2,000mg/L!) and you need more sodium than the average electrolyte drink contains. Because of this, the nutrition strategy that gets you to the finish line without cramping or bonking is going to be different than anyone else. 

Here’s what you can do: keep salting your food + eating the saltiest chip in the bag. Anytime you’re sweating, drink electrolytes. Contrary to popular belief, there’s no need to start with a bottle of water and then switch to electrolytes. 

Lastly, it’s ok and actually recommended to eat more savory foods while you workout. Salt and vinegar chips, pretzels or a savory scone from the local bakery are all great options. 

Overall, listen to your body and eat what you’re craving. If you can’t even think about eating another sugary gel, there’s a reason for it. Just make sure you have alternative options you do want to eat on hand. 

Note: if you have high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease and your doctor has told you to limit your sodium intake, talk to your doctor or dietitian. 


To learn more about how to fuel for your best efforts and begin to build a nutrition strategy that is specific to your needs, join me for my next free online workshop on Tuesday, April 28th!

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