How to Plan Ahead, Limit Grocery Store Trips and Still Eat Healthy


How to Plan Ahead…

By Uriell Carlson, RDN

I used to go to the grocery store to grab a single ingredient without even thinking twice about it. 

These days, there is none of that. Going to the grocery store is a weekly or bi-weekly event that is strategically planned out well in advance. 

To be honest, I would love to continue this strategy once we’re back to normal. As I’ve seen it, we’re spending less money and not wasting food, because it all has a purpose. 

So, how does this happen? Well, I’m here to share some of my strategy with you. Here are my top tips to plan ahead and make eating healthy a breeze, without going to the store every other day. 

Start With Planning a Complete Meal

First, break it down into complete meals: know that every complete meal contains a source of protein, any kind of plants (the more color/variety, the better), a complex carbohydrate and a source of healthy fat. Here’s a shot of the Meal Building Guidelines document in my newest Nutrition Essentials Ebook to give you some examples of each: 

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