Meal Prep in a Mountain Town


I had the privilege of writing a guest post for Sierra Gale Seafoods. She is a friend and client who sells amazing Fresh Frozen Seafood from Alaska. Visit her site to order salmon, black cod, halibut and more delivered directly to your home. Or join a buying club to get free shipping and discounted rates on bulk orders every fall and spring.


Meal Prep In a Mountain Town

By Uriell Carlson, RDN

There are many, many perks of living in the mountains of a landlocked state like Colorado. Access to high quality seafood is not one of them.

Thankfully, I have discovered Sierra Gale Seafoods, and I’m now lucky enough to have the best of both worlds! Not to mention, my diet, health and love for seafood have never been better.

Meal Prep On-The-Go

First, let me give you a bit of a backstory on this. I’m a dietitian, which means I have an inherent affinity for meal planning. Now, I’m not the type to lay out every single meal for every day of the week and go to the grocery store with a 3-page grocery list. But, I still think ahead to what type of meals I want and thus, what I need to keep stocked in order to have a healthy, balanced meal in the shortest amount of time possible…

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